Adrian Advance

Adrian Advance is an initiative of the Georgia District Church of the Nazarene to keep Adrian Camp vibrant today and for generations to come. You are invited to invest in Adrian Camp, impacting lives to make an eternal difference for Christ.
Pray for Adrian Camp
For Camp Manager, Rev. Jeff Croft, and staff
For Summer Camps, Retreats, & Special Events
For Camp Directors & Camp participants
Attend Camps, Retreats, & Special Events
Give to Adrian Camp
To give electronically, click Give below
Login or Sign Up (to create a Tithely account)
Choose Adrian Advance
To give by check, mail to:
District Treasurer, Georgia District Church of the Nazarene, P.O. Box 489, Dublin, GA
“By the mile, it’s a trial
By the yard, it’s hard
By the inch, it’s a cinch
Every investment counts!”