Licensing & Ordination

Journey to Ordination

  • The Church of the Nazarene recognizes all believers are called to minister to all people. We also affirm Christ calls some men and women to a specific and public ministry even as He chose and ordained His 12 apostles. When the church, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, recognizes such a divine call, the church endorses and assists the individual’s entry into a lifetime of ministry. (Church of the Nazarene Manual, Par. 500) Learn about our theology of ordination.

    Those trying to discern if God has called them to a lifetime of ministerial leadership as clergy, either as an ordained deacon or elder are encouraged to begin the journey of discovery and discernment, which has three major milestones:

  • A Local Minister’s License it granted by your local church, not the Georgia District.

    Ask your pastor if you can meet with her or him to help you discern this journey.

    First Time Local Minister’s License Steps:

    1. Procedures for Issuing a Local Minister’s License — This document will guide the candidate, local church pastor, and board through the application process.

    2. Application for Local Minister’s License — This document is to be completed by the candidate and submitted to the local church pastor.

    3. Interview Guidelines — This document provides the local church board with guidelines for interviewing a candidate for the Local Minister’s License.

    4. A Request for Verification of Credential History form must be completed for each individual seeking a local or district minister’s license for the first time. Open the form to see full instructions and to learn more about this process. 

    Renewing a Local Minister’s License Steps:

    Must be renewed every year until District License is received.

    1. Procedures for Renewing a Local Minister’s License — This document will guide the candidate, local church pastor, and board through the process of renewing the Local Minister’s License.

    2. Renewal Application for Local Minister’s License — This document is to be completed by the candidate and submitted to the local church pastor.

    3. Interview Guidelines — This document provides the local church board with guidelines for interviewing a candidate for the renewal of the Local Minister’s License.

    4. A Request for Verification of Credential History form must be completed for each individual seeking the renewal of a local or district minister’s license when A) the church board approving renewal is not of the same local church that granted the individual his or her first local or district minister’s license, or B) the church board approving the renewal failed to submit the form when it granted the individual his or her first local or district minister’s license. Open the form to see full instructions and to learn more about this process.

  • A District Minister’s License may be granted by the district assembly if the requirements and necessary recommendations outlined below are met.

    First Time District Minister’s License Steps:

    1. Must have held a Local License for at least ONE year

    2. Must complete one-quarter (six classes) of a validated course of study for ministers

    3. Form 814 -Recommendation from Local Church Board or District Advisory Board

    4. Application for a District Minister’s License

    5. Ministry Questionnaire Form

    6. National (Not State) Background Check (good for two years only before new one is needed)

    7. If There Is A Divorce, Divorce Barrier has been removed by Board of General Superintendents upon recommendation of District Credential Board.  Contact District Credential Board Secretary or District Office for more information about this process.

    8. Attend Georgia Ordination and Leadership Development (GOLD) Weekend at Camp Adrian (REQUIRED)

    9. Go to District Assembly to participate and receive license.

    Renewing a District Minister’s License

    1. Continue to work on required course of study under the District Studies Board direction.

    2. Complete Annual District Licensed Minister’s Report (you must report on your ministry annually)

    3. Form 814 -Recommendation from Local Church Board or District Advisory Board

    4. Application for A District Minister’s License

    5. Ministry Questionnaire Form

    6. National (Not State) Background Check (good for two years only before new one is needed)

    7. If There Is A Divorce, Divorce Barrier has been removed by Board of General Superintendents upon recommendation of District Credential Board.  Contact District Credential Board Secretary or District Office for more information about this process.

    8. Attend Georgia Ordination and Leadership Development (GOLD) Weekend at Camp Adrian (Friday afternoon through Saturday Afternoon)

    9. Participate in District Assembly each year.

    Send any and all academic transcripts and course completion documentation to

  • Five Qualification Requirements for Ordination:

    1. Completion of all required studies determined by the District Board of Studies.

    2. Attend the GOLD weekend every year submitting all reports/forms required.

    3. Attend annual Ministerial Candidate Workshop (MCW) one year (with spouse if applicable).

    4. Hold a District Minister’s License for a minimum of three consecutive years.

    5. A minimum of three consecutive years of full time assigned service in a Local Church, as supported by official documentation from the District Office. In the case of part-time assignment, it should be understood that there should be an extension of the consecutive years of in-service for those serving part time.


    Requirements 4 & 5 are NOT one and the same. 

    There must be full compliance on both issues separately.

    Final Interviews and Ordination Service:

    1. Final year if you are told you are eligible, you (and spouse if applicable) will be invited to be interviewed by full Credentials Board at the end of the GOLD weekend.

    2. If the Credentials Board after interviewing you, recommends you for ordination, the Georgia District Assembly will vote upon their recommendation and your next to final step will be an interview with you (and your spouse if applicable) and the jurisdictional General Superintendent some time during District Assembly.

    3. The long and deliberative ordination journey ends with a special ordination service the last day of district assembly where you will be given a charged, prayed over by all the elders with the laying on of hands, and ordained with the General Superintendent officiating.

Gold Weekend



    GOLD Facebook Page

    Georgia District GOLD 2025 Weekend 

    will be held at
    Adrian Camp and Conference Center
    on Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon,

    February 21-22, 2025

    Keynote speakers:  Dr. Michael Jackson

    This weekend is required for all ministers seeking a district license, renewing their district license, and seeking ordination.

    The Georgia District Ministerial Credentials and Studies Boards have created a new and significantly improved process for ministerial training and leadership development. The former 15-minute interview process where each candidate sat before the Credentials Board is being replaced by Georgia Ordination and Leadership Development (GOLD) weekend.  Instead of burying and forgetting the gold that God has given us, our district believes it has a sacred duty to help develop those seeking ordination and to continue to equip our ordained leaders. Since ordination is such an important means of God’s grace for the church and minister, we want to resource those who take this holy journey of preparation in the best way we can.

    The GOLD weekend allows candidates seeking ordination (from first district license, to renewal, to final year) to begin and continue their journey toward ordination with a clear roadmap and with friends to accompany them. Candidates will be both encouraged and better prepared for a lifetime of ministry. Candidates will be assigned to facilitators and introduced to clergy and leaders on our district. Candidates will have their souls fed through the Word and worship. Candidates will also be assessed with great encouragement from mentors and peers.

    There will be breakout sessions, cohort discussion groups, worship opportunities, leadership development, assessment, and fellowship. Your district leadership has also decided to pick up the tab for this incredible weekend, so there is NO cost to you for this weekend (other than time and transportation). Rumor has it we may even have S’mores and a bonfire!

    So, what do we need from you?

    You need to register for this event!

    (see registration link at top of this page)

    Remember this is mandatory for licensing. Make sure all forms noted in the registration are completed and sent to our district Secretary, Rev. Don Hicks,

    If you have questions about your studies requirements, please contact our Studies Chair, Rev. Mark Amspaugh,

    If you have any questions about our GOLD weekend please contact our Credential Chair, Rev. Lonnie Grant,

    We look forward to seeing everyone at this amazing event!

Candidates Workshop

  • Dates: TBD

    Location: Camp Garner Creek, Dickson TN

    The Georgia District requires that all candidates for ordination attend the MCW weekend at some point in their journey of seeking ordination.

    The vision for the assessment process and the MCW is to assist in the equipping of licensed candidates seeking ordination in the Church of the Nazarene. The MCW is the result of regional district superintendents and the Center for Pastoral Health working together to provide licensed ministers with “tools of effectiveness”.

    While the weekend is held in the Spring each year, registration begins in the fall, with assessment packets to be completed around the first of the year in advance of the weekend.

    This weekend workshop is designed to be completed with the minister’s spouse if they are married.

    Below is the most recent literature we have on this amazing opportunity for you to get an idea for what this ministry is all about:

Studies Info & Requirements

  • We are so glad you are pursuing studies in preparation for licensing and ordination in the Church of the Nazarene. To learn more about the educational foundations for ordained ministry please consult the Church of the Nazarene’s Manual (2017-2021). Access the Manual.

    Please refer to the requirements necessary to come before both the Ministerial Board of Studies and Credentials. Read More

    As a student, you have many ways to complete the 26 courses required for ordination in the course of study. Previous academic work through accredited schools can count towards these courses. Read More about the Courses Required

    Please send all previous academic work and completed course work to District Education Evaluator,

    We encourage you to use one of our Nazarene institutions for higher education as your work could count towards a degree. Most of these institutions offer both online and in-seat education. The courses you need may be offered throughout the year at these institutions.

    Only online programs are listed below, although most of these institutions offer in-seat education as well. Costs are also only for online programs and per credit hour as of 2018.

    Trevecca Nazarene University
    BA in Christian Ministry, MA in Religion

    Nazarene Bible College
    AA in Ministry, BA in Ministry
    Certificate in Ministry (Ministerial Preparation Program)
    Courses taken in the MPP can be converted to college credit afterwards.

    Northwest Nazarene University
    AA in Christian Studies, BA in Christian Ministry (online)
    MA in Pastoral Leadership (online)
    MA or MDiv in Missional Leadership or Spiritual Formation (online)
    Course of Study (COS)

    To take courses on our district see Georgia School of Ministry

    The International Board of Education (IBOE) serves the Church of the Nazarene system of higher education through 52 colleges, universities, and seminaries and is resolute in shaping Christlike disciples and servant-leaders for lifelong service and global impact.
