Journey to Ordination

The Church of the Nazarene recognizes all believers are called to minister to all people. We also affirm Christ calls some men and women to a specific and public ministry even as He chose and ordained His 12 apostles. When the church, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, recognizes such a divine call, the church endorses and assists the individual’s entry into a lifetime of ministry. (Church of the Nazarene Manual, Par. 500) Learn about our theology of ordination.

Those trying to discern if God has called them to a lifetime of ministerial leadership as clergy, either as an ordained deacon or elder are encouraged to begin the journey of discovery and discernment, which has three major milestones:

I. Local Minister’s License


A Local Minister’s License it granted by your local church, not the Georgia District.

Ask your pastor if you can meet with her or him to help you discern this journey.

First Time Local Minister’s License Steps:

  1. Procedures for Issuing a Local Minister’s License — This document will guide the candidate, local church pastor, and board through the application process.
  2. Application for Local Minister’s License — This document is to be completed by the candidate and submitted to the local church pastor.
  3. Interview Guidelines — This document provides the local church board with guidelines for interviewing a candidate for the Local Minister’s License.
  4. A Request for Verification of Credential History form must be completed for each individual seeking a local or district minister’s license for the first time. Open the form to see full instructions and to learn more about this process. 

Renewing a Local Minister’s License Steps:

Must be renewed every year until District License is received.

  1. Procedures for Renewing a Local Minister’s License — This document will guide the candidate, local church pastor, and board through the process of renewing the Local Minister’s License.
  2. Renewal Application for Local Minister’s License — This document is to be completed by the candidate and submitted to the local church pastor.
  3. Interview Guidelines — This document provides the local church board with guidelines for interviewing a candidate for the renewal of the Local Minister’s License.
  4. A Request for Verification of Credential History form must be completed for each individual seeking the renewal of a local or district minister’s license when A) the church board approving renewal is not of the same local church that granted the individual his or her first local or district minister’s license, or B) the church board approving the renewal failed to submit the form when it granted the individual his or her first local or district minister’s license. Open the form to see full instructions and to learn more about this process.

II. District Minister’s LicensE


A District Minister’s License may be granted by the district assembly if the requirements and necessary recommendations outlined below are met.

First Time District Minister’s License Steps:

  1. Must have held a Local License for at least ONE year
  2. Must complete one-quarter (six classes) of a validated course of study for ministers
  3. Form 814 -Recommendation from Local Church Board or District Advisory Board
  4. Application for a District Minister’s License
  5. Ministry Questionnaire Form
  6. National (Not State) Background Check (good for two years only before new one is needed)
  7. If There Is A Divorce, Divorce Barrier has been removed by Board of General Superintendents upon recommendation of District Credential Board.  Contact District Credential Board Secretary or District Office for more information about this process.
  8. Attend Georgia Ordination and Leadership Development (GOLD) Weekend at Camp Adrian (REQUIRED)
  9. Go to District Assembly to participate and receive license.

Renewing a District Minister’s License

  1. Continue to work on required course of study under the District Studies Board direction.
  2. Complete Annual District Licensed Minister’s Report (you must report on your ministry annually)
  3. Form 814 -Recommendation from Local Church Board or District Advisory Board
  4. Application for A District Minister’s License
  5. Ministry Questionnaire Form
  6. National (Not State) Background Check (good for two years only before new one is needed)
  7. If There Is A Divorce, Divorce Barrier has been removed by Board of General Superintendents upon recommendation of District Credential Board.  Contact District Credential Board Secretary or District Office for more information about this process.
  8. Attend Georgia Ordination and Leadership Development (GOLD) Weekend at Camp Adrian (Friday afternoon through Saturday Afternoon)
  9. Participate in District Assembly each year.

Send any and all academic transcripts and course completion documentation to

III. Ordination as Deacon or Elder


Five Qualification Requirements for Ordination:

  1. Completion of all required studies determined by the District Board of Studies.
  2. Attend the GOLD weekend every year submitting all reports/forms required.
  3. Attend annual Ministerial Candidate Workshop (MCW) one year (with spouse if applicable).
  4. Hold a District Minister’s License for a minimum of three consecutive years.
  5. A minimum of three consecutive years of full time assigned service in a Local Church, as supported by official documentation from the District Office. In the case of part-time assignment, it should be understood that there should be an extension of the consecutive years of in-service for those serving part time.


Requirements 4 & 5 are NOT one and the same. 

There must be full compliance on both issues separately.

Final Interviews and Ordination Service:

  1. Final year if you are told you are eligible, you (and spouse if applicable) will be invited to be interviewed by full Credentials Board at the end of the GOLD weekend.
  2. If the Credentials Board after interviewing you, recommends you for ordination, the Georgia District Assembly will vote upon their recommendation and your next to final step will be an interview with you (and your spouse if applicable) and the jurisdictional General Superintendent some time during District Assembly.
  3. The long and deliberative ordination journey ends with a special ordination service the last day of district assembly where you will be given a charged, prayed over by all the elders with the laying on of hands, and ordained with the General Superintendent officiating.